Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mesa Gatherings

My dad owns a catering business. Most of my family works for him. It's pretty fun. Here's all of us in uniform.
If you have any catering needs, go to our website: http://www.mesagatherings.com/!
{And, yes, I took these pictures even though I'm in them. LOL. I used a tripod and a cordless remote. I'm fancy like that ;-)}

My son Loves his uncle. When he's around,
he won't let him put him down {even for a picture}.

My parents
My boys and I

1 comment:

  1. I'm not too crazy about the same angle on each picture. It seems like you need to be little more creative. Try to mix it up a little. Nothing personal, but I thought you could use the advice for the future.
